Coptic Orthodox Church
Of Delray Beach, FL
Of the Coptic
Orthodox church
The Coptic Orthodox Church is an apostolic church, not only because her founder is St. Mark the Apostle who ministered in Egypt, ordained a bishop, priests, and deacons to aid him in his ministry and was martyred in Alexandria.
The Coptic Church is sometimes accused of exaggerated conservatism and refusal of concessions. As a matter of fact she is not stagnant or stolid but faithful and conservative, preserving the apostolic life, and desiring to offer the gift of faith in all its aspects throughout the ages.
Meet our Priests

Father Mikhail Abdou
Father Mikhail Abdou is a priest of Saint Mary Coptic Orthodox Church in Delray Beach, FL. H.H Pope Shenouda Ⅲ ordained him priest on October 7, 1984. He began his service in St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church located in Cairo, Egypt. In 1996, H.G. Bishop Youssef requested him to serve in St. Mary Coptic Orthodox Church in Delray Beach, FL. In 2001, HGBY ordained him hegomen and he has been serving in the Diocese of the Southern United States since August 11, 1996. We pray that the Lord will continue blessing his service. Phone: 561.870.5004

Father Wesa Awad
Father Wesa Awad is a priest of Saint Mary Coptic Orthodox Church located in Delray Beach, FL. H.G. Bishop Youssef, with the presence of H.G. Bishop Basil, ordained him a priest on July 4, 2021, and he has been serving in the Diocese of the Southern United States since. We pray that the Lord will continue blessing his service. Phone: 407.375.8754
“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7
Donate by Mail
15450 Lyons Road, Delary Beach, FL, 33446
Checks payable to:
Saint Mary Coptic Orthodox Church
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Donate in Person
During the Sunday Divine Liturgy, donation boxes may be found towards the rear of the church. As always, your donations are confidential and made to a registered 501(c)(3) corporation.